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轉載 10/3 有關香港參與威尼斯雙年展的黑箱作業--我們需要真相!

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香港藝術發展局今年一改往年公開甄選的方式,決定委任了西九龍文化區M+博物館行政總監李立偉(Lars Nittve)為2013年第55屆威尼斯雙年展香港館之策展人,而李立偉並決定了由本地藝術家李傑代表香港參加是屆威尼斯雙年展。事件引起極大爭議,突如其來的政策改變,不只大大降低了公眾參與度,在毫無公開諮詢的情況下更猶如黑箱作業。香港參與威尼斯雙年展關乎了如何推動本地文化藝術發展,也關乎國際定位,甚至關乎1,000萬公帑預算,民間縱有更多提問,藝發局與M+ 對事件一直沒作公開回應。

- 作為有唯一有民選成份的法定機構,藝發局如何充分收納民意推動香港藝術發展?
- 西九龍文化區既是不久將來的香港巨型建設,M+又如何回應本地社會的公共性?
- 在專業性與民間參與如何平衡?


To select artists and curators for presentation in the Venice Biennale 2013, HKADC has announced the change of policy from open call for proposals to collaborating with WKCD M+, with its Executive Director Lars Nittve being the curator. HKADC and WKCDA have also announced the selection of artist Lee Kit. The policy change aroused much controversy because it was suddenly announced without any prior public consultation, as if made in a black box. It also significantly reduce the degree of public participation in the project. Hong Kong’s presentation in the Venice Biennale is a matter of how it fosters art and cultural development in Hong Kong, and of how this development is positioned internationally. It is also a matter of budgeting HK$10million of taxpayers’ money. Both HKADC and M+ have not made any public response to the many questions the public has asked.

Let’s have an open dialogue with HKADC and M+. We invite all of you concerned with the arts to come join us and to open the black box.

*The discussion is mainly in Chinese, with English simultaneous interpretation.

7-9pm 3/10/2012 (週三wed)
藝穗會地下劇場 (中環下亞厘畢道2號)
Underground Theatre, Fringe Club
(2 Lower Albert Road, Central)
Speakers: We Want the Truth conveners; Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC) Chairman Wilfred Wong; WKCD M+ Executive Director Lars Nittve


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