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Hong Kong Literature and Cinema
(Text in Chinese)
編輯:梁秉鈞 黃淑孄 沈海燕 鄭政恆
類型:研究 / 電影 / 香港文學
定價: 港幣$160
本書勾勒香港文化面貌:從早期的電影清潔運動、五 ○ 年代的左右對立、六 ○ 年代青年文化與西方文化的衝擊、七 ○ 年代本土文化的興盛到八 ○ 年代大眾文化普及,以及在這些複雜的文化背景中,文學與電影如何以敘事回應,又如何互相激發,帶來了不少值得深思的課題。藉著此刻學院嘗試以電影輔助人文學科教學,中學積極準備電影與文學單元新課程,本書提出香港文學與電影的深度研探,別具意義。
Hong Kong literature and cinema share manifold links. There have been active collaborations between literati and filmmakers. Literary adaptation has a paramount position in the history of Hong Kong cinema. The reciprocal aspiration between literature and cinema has become a cultural character oil long Kong.
i-long Kong literature and Cinema profiles the cultural landscape of the city, covering the first “Clean-up Movement in Film’ the left-right opposition in the 1950s, the surge of youth culture and Western culture in the 1960s, the rise of local culture in the 1970s, and the popular cult tire in the 1980s. It articulates how literary works and films narrated their responses to these cultural issues and how the two genres mutually influenced each other.
The academia is trying to introduce cinema studies to the teaching of humanities courses. I ugh schools also try to design new courses of literature and cinema to integrate into their new curriculum. It is in this context the publication of this book is particularly significant. It brings forth many informative propositions about the education of literature and cinema.
‘The book consists of academic studies from 13 renowned local and overseas scholars on the relations of films and literature, their genres and forms, as well as the individual authors, covering such diverse fields as cultural politics, historical reflections, and the rediscovery of historical materials. ‘Their works showcase the many methodologies of film and literature research.