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世界文絡 [附局部中譯]Spare us your misery, Orange prize judge tells authors

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本帖最後由 心雪 於 2010-3-20 22:44 編輯

Daisy Goodwin says reading the 129 entries to this year's competition sometimes drove her to despair
Daisy Goodwin說:閱讀129份參選今年比賽的作品令她絶望

To book lovers, it might appear to be a delicious, if demanding, treat – the opportunity to devour more than 100 novels by women writers and award one of them the prestigious Orange prize.
對於愛書之人,這似乎是一件令人開懷的、或許要求嚴格的宴請── 一個讓你品嘗超過100個由女作家書寫的小說的機遇,並為其中之一頒授被受尊敬的Orange Prize。

But the chair of this year's judging panel has launched a stinging criticism of the current "grim" crop of women's fiction – complaining that female authors appear to have suffered a collective sense of humour failure.
但今年的評審委員主席已對現時「令人不舒服」的女性小說成品作出一針對性的指責── 投訴女作家們呈現出一種在集體意識上的心景衰退的折磨。

"There's not been much wit and not much joy, there's a lot of grimness out there," Daisy Goodwin, the author and TV producer, told the Guardian. "There are a lot of books about Asian sisters. There are a lot of books that start with a rape. Pleasure seems to have become a rather neglected element in publishing."
「小說裡頭沒有多少風趣與喜悅,卻有很多冷酷無情的事。」作家兼電視製作人Daisy Goodwin,向Guardian透露。「有很多關於亞洲姊妹題材的著作,而且很多書都是由一次強奸作為開頭。壓力似乎己變成出版上一個相當被忽視的元素。」

Reading the 129 entries to this year's competition had sometimes driven Goodwin to despair, she said, as she revealed this year's longlist. "I think the misery memoir has had its day, but there are an awful lot of books out there which had not a shred of redemption in them. I'm more of a light and shade person and there does need to be some joy, not just misery."

"I was surprised at how little I laughed … and the ones where there was humour were much appreciated I can tell you."

She accused publishers of "lagging behind what the public want", of not getting that readers do want pleasure and do want enjoyment when they read. "There comes a point halfway through the process where you think: 'Is it me or them?' You just can't bear it any more. And then you come across this joyful book."

Her frustrations aside, Goodwin said she and her fellow judges were proud of the 20-strong longlist,  revealed today. She called it a "muscular" list, full of "pleasurable" and varied books. It includes some familiar books, notably Hilary Mantel's Wolf Hall, which won the Man Booker, and Sarah Waters's The Little Stranger, which was shortlisted. Seven are longlisted for their debut novels – among them the film producer Rosie Alison, whose book The Very Thought of You has not had a single national newspaper review.
撇開她的失意,Goodwin說她和跟隨她的一班評審為今天揭曉的20強初選名單感到驕傲。她更稱之為「強健」的名單充滿令人快樂而且多姿多彩的書籍。其中包括一些為人熟悉的書籍,顯眼如Hilary Mantel曾經贏得Man Booker的Wolf Hall,以及曾在Man Booker總決選名單上Sarah Waters的The Little Stranger。初選名單上共七本處女作,其中為電影製作人Rosie Alisonh的The Very Thought of You尚未有任何國家的報紙上有有關之評論。

The other first novels are Eleanor Catton for The Rehearsal; Laila Lalami for Secret Son; Nadifa Mohamed for Black Mamba Boy; Amy Sackville for The Still Point; Kathryn Stockett for The Help and Attica Locke for Black Water Rising which represents a genre rarely seen at literary prizes – it's a thriller.

The former Orange winner Andrea Levy is longlisted for The Long Song and there are former shortlisted novelists in the form of Sadie Jones for Small Wars, Mantel, Waters and Barbara Kingsolver for The Lacuna. The most surprising omissions are probably the 2008 Orange winner Rose Tremain, not there for Trespass, as well as there being no Anne Michaels or Valerie Martin. The longlist is completed by Clare Clark, for Savage Lands; Amanda Craig for Hearts and Minds; Roopa Farooki for The Way Things Look to Me; Rebecca Gowers for The Twisted Heart; MJ Hyland for This is How; Maria McCann for The Wilding; Lorrie Moore for A Gate at the Stairs; and Monique Roffey for The Woman on the Green Bicycle.

The judges, who also include Julia Neuberger, Michele Roberts, Miranda Sawyer and Alexandra Shulman, will announce a shortlist on 20 April.

Infromation from:http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/ ... prize-judge-authors

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